Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Oh my goodness, I keep loosing track of my days. So today is Tuesday the 13. I haven't posted since the 7th. SHOOT. Winter break sure is eating me up and scrambling my brain!

Anywhosit. Here are some pictures!

Breakfast. Easy, quick, and HEALTHY (At least I think so?)

1/2 cup strawberries, 1 banana

I like to blend before I add anything to make sure I don't end up with big chunks in my cup.

Blueberry waffles, strawberry banana smoothie. 

For the smoothie, after I chop up the fruit, I add some orange juice and put it on the smoothie setting, then drop in ice until its just how I want it. Tastes sooo good, and theres no extra junk to make it full of extra sugar, and whatnot.

Theeennn for dinner I really wanted Teryiaki, however, the local joint was closed so we made our own! MMMM

This teryiaki sauce was waay too sweet for us, so I added oyster sauce and sriacha to it also

Our new indoor grill lol. The chicken was so tender - ooohh my goodness

Teryiaki, asparagus stir-fr, salad and bread.
I also got a SCREAMING deal at Macy's

No jokes about my nail, I know I need a fill. That aside, my total WAS over $90. However, I paid $21.17. Whaaaat?!?! How you may ask? Clearance racks. Just because it's on sale doesn't mean it's not cute...
This dress: $4.99! Sorry its not a great photo, I was having technical difficulties also known as a new phone that I just don't really know how to work. This is the only one that turned out. I also got 2 shirts, and some lady things.

Lastly, I found this note from my bff. (crazy - her wedding song just came on pandora) and I swear, it is about my husband. Except she wrote this in 05 - I met him in 06/07 and we didn't date until 09. Its like she knew! (She can spell, I just cut off one of the words - oops!)

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