Friday, December 2, 2011

Todays about a spruce!

    Apparently, I get way to excited when I get to go out on the town at night. Last night we went out to the old bar we used to hang out at and I was so excited that I stayed up far too late and slept in until 11:00 this morning! Needless to say, I was completely off of my game. I totally forgot my camera all day! Who does that?

So to let you know about my day first we went to Ranch 99, my favorite ethnic store in Lynnwood, Wa. I was like a kid in a candy store. Let's just say I am starting to become more familiar with my own ethnic background, and the more I learn the more excited I get for the things I can find in these stores. One thing I have fallen in love with is Mochi Ice Cream. Oh-Em-Gee YUM! I didn't get any because it would be melted before I got home but this is what is it:

It's pounded sticky rice which makes kind of a jelly outer and it is filled with yummy creamy ice cream. My favorite is green tea. So I got some plain mochi thinking it would do until I could go get some and come straight home to get them into the freezer. Not so good. I learned that the part I really like of mochi, is the ice cream. Not the goo...

Then we went to Verizon and I got a new phone plan, meaning I dropped T-Mobile. Well hey, they actually dropped me. They discontinued my plan, and constantly dropped my it was just time to move on.

Not a very exciting day (after Ranch99 that is,) so I am spending my normal blog time tonight sprucing up my page. The layout I was using was making it impossible for people to subscribe so I am going to make a plain layout into a pretty layout.

See you all tomorrow!

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