Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday, What a Day

Happy Tuesday!

So I totally remembered to bring my camera with me today, however I didn't stay the whole time at school, so we missed that part again.

However I remembered to keep track of my day a little better so here we go!

When I was packing my lunch today, I noticed two things.

1. We have a ton of left over soda from our wedding.

2. My hummus cups exploded.

 Sad. :( Moving on, I went to school. Only 2 days left this quarter! Turns out the kid that sits next to me in Nutrition 101 played baseball with my husband, and with his brother. What a world huh?

When I got home I did a little cleaning. I am now going to share with you something I think everyone should know, but have been surprised by how many people don't.

1. Lay the shirt out flat, backside up.

2.Fold the sleeves in to make the shirt into a rectangle.
3. Fold each side in 1/3 of the way so one side overlaps the other evenly.

4. Fold the bottom and top in 1/3 so they also overlap evenly

Okay - rant over, stepping off of my soap box and moving on with my night. I decided to marinade our dinner in some homemade marinade.

 1 1/2 tsp seasoning
 About 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

Mix together and pour over chicken thighs.
Cover and marinade for a few hours. I had this in the fridge for 4 hours.

At this point, I talked on the phone with my bestie for an hour and swept and mopped our house. Pretty dull day today if you ask me. While deciding on what else to have with our dinner, I did decide to test out our Dollar Store scalloped potatoes
We also had some honey jalapeno shrimp the hubby's mom gave us so I thought these would go good with dinner tonight.
I grilled them on the new griddle that Ryan and Tiff got us for a wedding gift. This bad boy is going to be a kitchen staple, I can already tell. I not only cooked our shrimp on here, I also cooked our chicken.

They cooked up pretty well, but just to be safe, after a few minutes on each side, I popped them into the oven under broil for an extra 5 minutes.

And there is our dinner! The dollar store potatoes weren't all that bad, they were really good actually! Have a great night everyone!

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