Saturday, December 24, 2011


Yesterday was a super busy day for us! We finished wrapping our holiday gifts, wished our friends a happy wedding anniversary and had a holiday photo shoot with our friend Jordan. We also braved Target so I could get some coffee and tights.

Here is a wedding style holiday photo that she did for us

we are officially a married couple for our first holiday season. I think this is such a precious photo and cant wait to put it into our frames!

Happy holidays guys

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

3 cheese Sweetened Bacon Mac and Cheese with Apples - mmmm

I created a new recipe after a housewarming party with some friends. Amazing appetizers including a gorganzola cream cheese, crackers, apples and sweetened bacon. That night we went to the in-laws and watched Triple-D Detroit where they made a macaroni and cheese. Instantly a light popped on in my mind. Why not make the appetizer into a delicious mac and cheese? Those who know me know that Mac is my all-time favorite food - just call me the Mac lady.

Here is my recipe
1 lb elbow macaroni
1/4 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup butter
3 Tbsp flour
dash of nutmeg
dash of pepper
dash sea salt
1/2 cup mixed shredded cheese (I used the costco mexican style blend)
1/4 cup gorganzola
2 Tbsp Cream Cheese
extra cheese of choice for baking (I like to use sliced cheddar)
1/2 lb thick sliced bacon
1 Tbsp brown sugar
Red pepper flake to taste
1/4 cup bread crumbs
1/4 cup panko
1 green apple chopped

I begin by popping the bacon into the oven. Sprinkle the bacon with brown sugar and pepper flakes, and bake in a 375 oven until desired crisp. I cook until I smell the bacon across the house. Pull the bacon out and start the macaroni.

I start cooking the noodles before I start the sauce, I want them to be done about the same time so I dont have to drain the noodles and let them sit in the strainer.

Once the noodles are started, I heat the butter and flour over medium low heat to make a roux. Once my roux has formed, I add the heavy cream and mix until smooth. Add the pepper, salt, and nutmeg. Then add all of the cheeses and mix over low heat until smooth again. Add 2/3 of your bacon.

Scoop the noodles with a slotted spoon into the sauce. Let most of the water to drain out, but you want a little of it to transfer. Mix well.

Put into the baking dish, cover with your extra cheese, bread crumbs and panko. Sprinkle left over bacon on top. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes

Top with apples and serve. YUM!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Oh my goodness, I keep loosing track of my days. So today is Tuesday the 13. I haven't posted since the 7th. SHOOT. Winter break sure is eating me up and scrambling my brain!

Anywhosit. Here are some pictures!

Breakfast. Easy, quick, and HEALTHY (At least I think so?)

1/2 cup strawberries, 1 banana

I like to blend before I add anything to make sure I don't end up with big chunks in my cup.

Blueberry waffles, strawberry banana smoothie. 

For the smoothie, after I chop up the fruit, I add some orange juice and put it on the smoothie setting, then drop in ice until its just how I want it. Tastes sooo good, and theres no extra junk to make it full of extra sugar, and whatnot.

Theeennn for dinner I really wanted Teryiaki, however, the local joint was closed so we made our own! MMMM

This teryiaki sauce was waay too sweet for us, so I added oyster sauce and sriacha to it also

Our new indoor grill lol. The chicken was so tender - ooohh my goodness

Teryiaki, asparagus stir-fr, salad and bread.
I also got a SCREAMING deal at Macy's

No jokes about my nail, I know I need a fill. That aside, my total WAS over $90. However, I paid $21.17. Whaaaat?!?! How you may ask? Clearance racks. Just because it's on sale doesn't mean it's not cute...
This dress: $4.99! Sorry its not a great photo, I was having technical difficulties also known as a new phone that I just don't really know how to work. This is the only one that turned out. I also got 2 shirts, and some lady things.

Lastly, I found this note from my bff. (crazy - her wedding song just came on pandora) and I swear, it is about my husband. Except she wrote this in 05 - I met him in 06/07 and we didn't date until 09. Its like she knew! (She can spell, I just cut off one of the words - oops!)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Finally Finished with Fall!

Hey guys,
sorry the posts have been few and far between this week. I have been trying to study hard for my final final. However, that didn't work out so well for me. I think I may have gotten in 3 hours of studying max. I hope I did well on this test!

So a funny story to start off our day. My little dog Buddy (left) has only child syndrome from time to time. Yesterday I was studying for my final and I kept hearing this thumping noise. Turned out Buddy had a monopoly on the toys, and had grounded peanut to their cushion. Every time she'd move he'd rush her and she had to lay back down before he would sit. This is him getting ready to pounce me if I got too close. He is the most hilarious thing ever.

Next how about a recipe?

Sweet Meatloaf!
1 lb lean ground beef
1 small onion
about 1/3 cup breadcrumbs
4 saltine crackers
1/4 cup milk
1 egg
3 cloves garlic
1/3 cup grated cheese
seasonings are measured by taste:
Salt and Pepper
Ground Mustard

For topping
1/2 cup Katsup
2 Tablespoons brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground mustard
Instructions are easie as pie. Chop onion and garlic, beat egg, mix everything in with meat, mix with hands for best result. I only do half of the breadcrumbs and milk to begin with and add as needed until I have the right consistency, you want it to stick together but not become goo. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.

While that bakes, mix katsup, brown sugar and ground mustard. When your 45 minute timer goes off brush topping onto meatloaf and bake another 7-10 minutes. 


Serving suggestion:
No this is not directly on the counter, it is on a clear plate. :)
So with that out there for you, I am going to edit my how-to video and have it posted for you asap!

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, December 5, 2011

One down one to go!

Took my Music Appreciation final today, it was pretty darned easy! Only one left to go. Hallelujah! I am excited to start the new quarter with new classes, and new students. I am shooting high and taking 3 full credit courses - so hopefully I will survive AND graduate a little faster.

I spent a good part of today editing wedding photos. We had a big mishap with our wedding pictures and I have been doing what I can to make the best of what we have. I am pretty impressed with myself though, the ones I have fancied up look really good! Here's a sneak peak:

I increased the saturation to make it a bit more vibrant. All of the pictures we have are a bit dull so I was trying to get them to pop a little more.

I have started a new daily routine. I get up in the morning and while I get ready, I watch IJT and check my blogs. Lately I have been doing it in the dining room for better lighting, I cant wait until summer when it will be lighter in my office/fashion room!

We are using up some of the plates and silverware from the wedding and I think it is amusing that the plates are see through. Dinner last night was my homemade maranara with monkey bread, italian veggies and green beans. Can't forget the side of peach smoothie!

Let me know if you want any of the recipes!
See you guys tomorrow!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Todays about a spruce!

    Apparently, I get way to excited when I get to go out on the town at night. Last night we went out to the old bar we used to hang out at and I was so excited that I stayed up far too late and slept in until 11:00 this morning! Needless to say, I was completely off of my game. I totally forgot my camera all day! Who does that?

So to let you know about my day first we went to Ranch 99, my favorite ethnic store in Lynnwood, Wa. I was like a kid in a candy store. Let's just say I am starting to become more familiar with my own ethnic background, and the more I learn the more excited I get for the things I can find in these stores. One thing I have fallen in love with is Mochi Ice Cream. Oh-Em-Gee YUM! I didn't get any because it would be melted before I got home but this is what is it:

It's pounded sticky rice which makes kind of a jelly outer and it is filled with yummy creamy ice cream. My favorite is green tea. So I got some plain mochi thinking it would do until I could go get some and come straight home to get them into the freezer. Not so good. I learned that the part I really like of mochi, is the ice cream. Not the goo...

Then we went to Verizon and I got a new phone plan, meaning I dropped T-Mobile. Well hey, they actually dropped me. They discontinued my plan, and constantly dropped my it was just time to move on.

Not a very exciting day (after Ranch99 that is,) so I am spending my normal blog time tonight sprucing up my page. The layout I was using was making it impossible for people to subscribe so I am going to make a plain layout into a pretty layout.

See you all tomorrow!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

AAAHH Finals Week!

So Sorry I didn't get my post up yesterday! Finals week is finally catching up with me. I have tons to share and a new video going up on my YouTube channel as soon as it finishes loading! How exciting! I have a new goal for the next year, and that is to attempt YouTube partner by next winter. I don't know if I can do it, because I am extremely camera shy - but I am working on it!

So the last two days have been full of ups and downs for me. I broke my favorite mirror this morning tripping over my dog :( But I have almost finished putting my work room together YAY! I cant wait to have that room done, because I will have a comfy quiet workspace for working and for studying that is like my own me space. I know my husband will love this because I will stop trying to make all the other rooms in the house "more girly".

I thought it would be fun to share my nighttime skin care routine with you - I do this every other night, I will post what I do on the off nights soon as well.

I start off with a makeup remover. I got these for free from Target wit a $2 off coupon (They retail at $1.99!) After I use these up I got the ones Judy talks about on her skincare video on YouTube Kirkland Signature from Costco. $12.00 for 150!

Next I use AVON eye makeup remover. Since I wear a lot of eyeliner and waterproof mascara, I want to make sure I get that all cleaned up at night.

These two steps I do every night, the rest is every other night. After removing all of my make-up I use the Neutrogena Wave to wash my face. Right now I have the deep clean pads for it.

Lastly I use an astringent, since my skin gets oily over night, I just take the extra step to make sure my acne prone skin isn't about to break out. 


Last night we made homemade pizza's together. Here are some pictures. My husband was teasing me for taking pictures so I stopped. That's something I will be working on by goal date.

1 Package Jiffy pizza dough
1 Can DelMonte tomato basil sauce
1 half green bell pepper
1 small onion
2 cloves garlic sliced
1 tomato sliced
1/4 cup shredded colby jack cheese
1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese
a sprinkle of basil
a sprinkle of oregano
(My husband put salami on his)

Bake according to directions on box.

Lastly for the night I was very disappointed that my favorite candle exploded!

And here's a treat for you! My new YouTube video!!