Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Few and Far between!

I know I have been the worst blogger lately so I thought I would update you on my projects and why my posts have been so few and far between.

I have been really moving forward with my cookbook. It actually has somewhat of a format and now I am just working on filling it with recipes. This is a very time consuming process, partly because I NEVER measure when I cook, so I am having to go back through and make a lot of my recipes to come up with measurements, aaand because I tend to forget to write down ingredients. This means some of my recipes are a little different each time I make it. I have been going through and trying to figure out which ones are best to share in my very first book.

I am also enrolled full time this quarter and took on a huuuge load. I have 3 challenging courses this quarter versus the one challenging course and one easy fun course I had last semester. This has eaten up more of my time than I anticipated, but I let the add/drop deadline come and go and have decided I want to take on the challenge. I can do it! I just have to cut a few leisure hours a day. The first week of school, I was coming home from school around 11:30 a.m. and working on homework until around 6 p.m. leaving myself with undone work! Time to work on time management and less distractions during my free hour at school! :)

Now, with all of that being said, some of you may be wondering what I am going to school for, if it is culinary school etc. Well, no. It is community college and I am working on my BA in Music. Why? Music was my first love, thus my first priority. But don't you fret kids! Culinary school is in the cards for my future! I just wanted to get this degree out of my system. It is something I have dreamed about since I can remember. If that means teaching 9 months of the year and taking summer culinary courses, or if it means being a private instructor on my free time from culinary school, I don't know, but I will also get my education in food science so to speak. If only they offered a good culinary program at my local college, I could use my electives to get a head start. Booo! But I am working it so that if given the opportunity during my last 2 years of college, if a transfer is in the future, I have some elective courses open for it! okay, rant over.

Have a great snow day!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Oh Birthday!

My birthday is coming up, oh lord. It is the first big birthday for a while, haven't had much to celebrate since I turned 21. However, this year, my insurance rates drop and I am officially the age my mom was when I was born. You know what that means! (do the math) That being said, I got some photos done with Jordan today to commemorate the occasion. Ready to see them?